Discover your natural strengths across 14 factors that are crucial to performance in the workplace.
Improve your life & career
Discover the DNA of your mind in 49 simple questions.
Start exploring what makes you, you.
What does The Cambridge Code measure?
Learn more about 12 traits that play a key role in shaping your daily thoughts, desires and reactions.

How does it work?
Get started in three easy steps: it’s simple, immediate and all online.

1. Choose a report
Decide whether to explore what makes you who are you in your career

2. Do the questionnaire
Answer 49 multiple choice questions, it takes less than half an hour to complete.

3. Get your results
Discover more about the subconscious traits that make you who you are.
Our book. “One Simple Test to Uncover Who You Are”
Explore our step-by-step guide to your subconscious and learn more about how The Cambridge Code works. Get FREE access to your exclusive TCC Life report and learn more about 12 traits that shape your daily thoughts, desires and reactions.

Backed by science.
- Developed by our team of highly experienced clinical, medical and theoretical specialists (out of Cambridge University).
- Underpinned by the most up-to-date and modern scientific models of human development.
- Built on an evidence base combining 75 years of professional and clinical experience.
- Incorporated insights from thousands of clinical consultations and corporate interviews.
- Trialled and validated extensively.

Frequently asked questions
Why is my subconscious important?
The mind is our human superpower. It affects all aspects of our lives and it can help us, or it can trip us up, without us always understanding why. Knowing more about the fundamental traits and characteristics that shape your daily thoughts, desires and reactions offers the power of choice. The choice to take more control of your life and pick more of the things that suit you in life.
What does The Cambridge Code measure?
The Cambridge Code measures a range of deep-seated traits that make us who we are, and helps us to understand why we think, feel or act in the way we do.
TCC Careers measures 14 factors that are key to performance in the workplace. From assessing your innate ambition to discovering your natural leadership style – your results give you the latest insight from our scientists at Cambridge University to help you transform your career. Learn more.
TCC Life looks at 12 traits that play a key role in shaping your daily thoughts, desires and reactions. Knowing more about your natural resilience and adaptability, or your innate competitiveness, can help you to understand yourself better and choose more of the things that really suit you in life. Learn more.
How do I get my results?
You’ll get your results immediately. When you finish the questionnaire, click on the button to go to your report and start exploring your subconscious world.
You can click on each of the areas to explore them in more detail – from finding out what we are measuring with each of the traits, to discovering what your results mean for you.
How does The Cambridge Code protect my personal information?
Your privacy is our priority and we take care to protect your personal and sensitive information.
We will not share your results with anybody else without your permission. If you do decide to share your results, the actual answers you give in the questionnaire will still remain confidential – they are not even seen by the team at The Cambridge Code!
All connections to our website are encrypted using SSL technology.
Learn more about our privacy practices here.