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Backed by research, extensively validated.

Underpinned by the most up-to-date & modern scientific models of human development.

Established science. A new approach.

The Cambridge Code is underpinned by a range of well-recognised research covering human developmental psychology, developmental states of mind, child and adult attachment theories, constructivist psychology and neuroscience.

Drawing on this body of evidence, our team of research scientists and clinicians have developed the first digital tool capable of reading and interpreting the mind’s subconscious behaviour.

The Cambridge Code works by recording invisible subconscious processes to build up a picture of the mind. It gives us access to an individual’s innate and learnt ways of making decisions and how they naturally react to the world. The Cambridge Code is like a DNA profile, but of the mind.

DNA dots

A unique assessment.

Tape measure icon to represent a unique assessment - measures the why

Measures the why

Goes beyond visible or self-reported behaviours to understand what sits behind these and reveal why people behave in the way they do.

People icon to represent a unique assessment - sees the individual

Sees the individual

Treats the individual as a unique entity rather than comparing them to the average or norm within a given group or population.

Brain icon to represent a unique assessment - perceives and predicts

Perceives and predicts

Helps to understand and predict future behaviours by looking at innate characteristics that inform a person’s preferences and choices.

The paradigm.

The Cambridge Code pinpoints the interplay between changes in states of mind. As an adult, we spend most of our time in a “mature” state. But it’s also possible for us to momentarily slip back to an earlier stage of development before recovering our composure – for instance when something painful or embarrassing happens, or simply when reminiscing about a childhood memory.


The questions deliberately try to provoke these changes in your state of mind, and the tool interprets these invisible movements to build a reflection of your unique subconscious.

The Cambridge Code iPhone questionnaire

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The Cambridge Code
5 Kensington Church Street
London, W8 4LD
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)20 7368 5100